Saturday, June 7, 2008

Maybe I'm Just Crazy

Overdoses last show was tonight, Tomass and I went and picked up some silly string and inflatable Gators/Sharks/Dolphins/Whales to bring to the show as a surprise. In my opinion the show couldn't have gone any better. I do believe that overdose ending was a slight end of an era, and it was pretty sad watching it go, but I know it couldn't have gotten any better then that set. Hard Eddie came up from FLA with other kids and it was good seeing them, It was good seeing Bo as well, even though I didn't get to catch up with him as much as I would have liked to.

I love my friends, I really do, it sucks that I have so many ups and downs with them. A good friend of mine is leaving Tuesday and it chokes me up pretty bad thinking about it, things like this just make me feel like all my other friends are gonna leave me. I always try making all my friends happy, I rather be sad for the rest of my life as long as they're happy, and it sucks because I feel like I haven't been living by that lately. I mean, she'll really be gone, miles and miles away and unfortunately I dont think it'll ever be the same. Yeah I will keep in touch but I wont be able to just drive by and pick her up and even call her when im feeling down, it sucks that it takes a friend to move across the world to make you realize you need to wise up. I believe that I am a good person and I am good to my friends, so why can't I go to sleep? Why can't I leave my room? Why am I scared to call these kids i've known my whole life? This is just a phase, I hope, but its the worst phase ever. I spent an hour trying to find my Love Actually DVD but of course it grew legs and ran away. Nothing's going right.

" I never asked to be sorry
If its over its over for sure
I don't regret that I didn't want to
Remember what all this was for
So this is all we cn do
What news is in store
How come starting over
Would be frowned on anymore
Hannah hold on 
Hannah hold on 
Its all been said 
Its all been done
I never witnessed bitter like this
You & someone would think I'd have shot in cold blood
If you won't admit it and I won't be around
Just so I hear the applause
This isn't all we can do
When in doubt you move on
No need to sort it all out
By the time you read this I'll be gone
Hannah hold on 
Hannah hold on 
Its all been said 
Its all been done 
Hang on

You only disappoint the ones who don't believe

Hannah hold on
I never asked to be sorry
If its over its over for sure"